jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

kymatica, Transformando la forma de la materia a través de los sonidos

Cymatics - Bringing Matter to Life With Sound Subido por TheHallOfRecords el 04/06/2011 Cymatics is the study of visible sound and vibration, a subset of modal phenomena. Typically the surface of a plate, diaphragm, or membrane is vibrated, and regions of maximum and minimum displacement are made visible in a thin coating of particles, paste, or liquid. Different patterns emerge in the exitatory medium depending on the geometry of the plate and the driving frequency. The apparatus employed can be simple, such as a Chladni Plate or advanced such as the CymaScope, a laboratory instrument that makes visible the inherent geometries within sound and music. Categoría: Formación Licencia de YouTube estándar

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